Episode 11

Self-Care and Living Out My Dream Life

Published on: 9th July, 2023

What does a dream life look like now that you're a mama? Is the ideal dream for copious amounts of self-care each and every day? Today we're bringing to the conversation something that we are both practicing. Listen in as Jill and Linda chat about:

  • Figuring out our priorities, especially in postpartum. Finding a routine that sticks and works for us frequently.
  • Sticky note time.
  • What does that even mean? How can these sticky bits of paper be used to our advantage?
  • Basic care needs and getting back into routines and giving ourselves time to adjust to hectic days and small goals for each day.
  • Lists and decisions. What to do when we create mammoth, ambitious lists for ourselves and then not able to finish as much as we thought.
  • Less distractions and scatterbrains when parenting and coping with all the tasks.
  • Vision boards!
  • Practicing, dreaming, and living our dream life. Outside the typical cutting up magazines with blunt scissors.
  • Seeing our dream life unfold and watching as goals unfold and get accomplished.

Do you use Vision Boards for your dreams and aspirations? One part of the planning process we use is super visual, colorful, imaginative and FUN! We love making vision boards and using them for life and business. When you create a vision board, you are putting your imagination and ideas into tangible images.

We invite you to join us for the next Vision Board free event on July 31st at 6pm cst. If this is during dinner time madness, there will be a replay available at a time when you’re not kid wrangling or up to your neck in all the things. We hope to connect soon.

These conversations are here to shift and shake us into change. If you have any further thoughts, we would love you to reach out to us.

Connect with Jill at www.mamaoutspoken.com or on Instagram @mamaoutspoken

Connect with Linda at www.lindabonney.com or on Instagram @hellolindabonney

We would love to hear from you, it always encourages us to know you are listening along!

Until next week – we hope you can unstuck your muck!

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About the Podcast

Mucked Up My Self-Care Podcast
Real, Raw and Unedited Conversations From Two Global Moms/Mums
A podcast for moms about the real, raw, and unscripted perspectives of guilt-free self-care by two moms across the globe. This unedited podcast is real life and their personal experiences told in friendly conversation style. Advocating for all moms who have mucked up their self care.

There are so many others out there that aren't successfully solving the real problem of trying to figure out what self-care is. We want to bring to light the reality of what self-care can look like for moms who struggle to fit it in, don't know what will work for them, and the ways that it hasn't worked. We want to have conversations about the guilt we feel when we are pressured to mother ourselves when we don't know how and aren't given the support to in our society today.

About your hosts

Jill Olish

Profile picture for Jill Olish

Linda Bonney

Profile picture for Linda Bonney