Episode 62

Figuring Out What Works for Self-Care

Published on: 30th June, 2024

Can we ever fully figure out what works for self-care? Afterall, what often works one day might not work on another day. Are the sells of quick fixes adding to our stress? What has worked for these two mamas makes an interesting discussion. We certainly don't think we have all of it figured out much of the time. So, listen in as we open up and share some thoughts together, touching on:

  • How we often put ourselves last and focus on the needs of others, making it hard to sometimes remember what we desire, are striving for, enjoy and how we can better care for ourselves.
  • Meal prepping, planning and figuring out small ideas that can help towards a smoother dinner time. Including juggling different phases of diets and hormones and needing a simpler approach to phase-specific meals.
  • Creating joyful moments and rituals. Practical ideas to integrate joy and encourage a sense of connection with your kiddos at dinnertime.
  • Consistency and effectiveness for self-care
  • Checking in with our energy leaks. Whats working, what's not? Reflection and vulnerability as we share the load about household effectiveness and figuring it out one step at a time.
  • We check back in with our top 5 again. Are they still relevant? How are we taking steps towards our favourite things as a way of figuring stuff out.

We hope you find these insights and strategies helpful as you navigate the beautiful chaos of motherhood. By taking care of ourselves, we set a positive example for our children and ensure we have the energy and enthusiasm to meet life's challenges head-on.

For more information about the Villiage, please visit https://www.mamaoutspoken.com/village.

We would love you to support and follow along. You can find Jill on Instagram @mamaoutspoken and www.mamaoutspoken.com, as well as Linda @hellolindabonney or www.lindabonney.com

Until next week – we hope you can unstuck your muck!

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About the Podcast

Mucked Up My Self-Care Podcast
Real, Raw and Unedited Conversations From Two Global Moms/Mums
A podcast for moms about the real, raw, and unscripted perspectives of guilt-free self-care by two moms across the globe. This unedited podcast is real life and their personal experiences told in friendly conversation style. Advocating for all moms who have mucked up their self care.

There are so many others out there that aren't successfully solving the real problem of trying to figure out what self-care is. We want to bring to light the reality of what self-care can look like for moms who struggle to fit it in, don't know what will work for them, and the ways that it hasn't worked. We want to have conversations about the guilt we feel when we are pressured to mother ourselves when we don't know how and aren't given the support to in our society today.

About your hosts

Jill Olish

Profile picture for Jill Olish

Linda Bonney

Profile picture for Linda Bonney