Episode 78
Supportive Self-Care
Published on:
20th October, 2024
If you Google the word "support," there's a description that says something like a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright. Regarding supportive self-care, how can we practice self-care without bearing all the weight and still stay upright in the process? These are hard questions to ponder as Jill and Linda dive into another discussion and talk about:
- Practical ways in which we support ourselves and others, such as cooking a meal for someone, offering to look after an extra kid or two, and cleaning out a car.
- The nuances that are unsaid and unwritten when it comes to supportive self-care.
- How hard it can be to accept help, especially when we are sick or tired or unsure if we are a burden.
- Spending time alone to support ourselves and others, when its quicker and easier to get things done rather than having extra company alongside.
- Checking in to our immediate reactions to events or when self-care is mucked up and doesn't go as planned.
- Continuing to have conversations and feel seen and understood.
We would love to hear from you. Find Jill on Instagram @mamaoutspoken and https://www.mamaoutspoken.com/ and Linda @hellolindabonney or https://www.lindabonney.com.
Until next week – we hope you can unstuck your muck!